A bit about me:
Expat Spotlight: Ben Quick - A Child of Agent Orange Builds Bridges in Vietnam, Vietnam Times
When in Vietnam, VTV4, 8/15/24
Những khoảnh khắc Việt Nam qua ống kính nhiếp ảnh gia Mỹ, VTV9, 9/28/2024.
The writing and the video on the last one are both in Vietnamese. Google Translate does a pretty good job.
A bit of my own work:
The Heartland: Street Photography in Central Vietnam, Terrain.org
Dragon Bridge, Journal of the Plague Years
Agent Orange: a Chapter from History That Just Won't End, Orion Magazine
GRAPHICPROSE is a hybrid journal of pictures and prose documenting one man’s quest in Central Vietnam to unearth that which binds us together as humans. That which is unique to Vietnam but at the same time universal. As the son of an American combat veteran, I come from a family that has bled and shed blood here. I am quite literally a part of the soil, and I invite you to join me as I wander the landscape--both natural and built, urban and rural--and search for parallels between traditional Vietnamese and Western ways of life.
Regular photoessays will provide an intimate written and visual record of the journey, often sharing the quirks of my artistic process and musing on geography and culture. Occasional long-form essays and interviews with people from all walks of life for subscribers will dig a little deeper. Click on the "Gallery" button to learn about and purchase giclee prints. These will rotate in and out approximately once every month. However, if you don't see what you want, have a look at my Instagram feed and send me a note via Messenger or email at bnquick74@gmail.com. I'll sort you out with what you want. If what you want is simply to buy me a cup of coffee, that option will be available, as well. I'm just getting started, so please be patient.
I believe the traditional publishing industry as we knew it, like so many other institutions that once nurtured creativity no longer functions for artists or those who enjoy and want to support the artistic endeavor. This is the dawn of a new era, one in which writers, photographers, and artists of all kinds must divest from these relics and ask our audiences to do the same. If you like someone’s work, you can support them directly and leave the middleman out. Substack and Patreon have shown us this direct-to-consumer model can work, and although I am not arrogant enough to think GRAPHICPROSE will ever have an audience large enough to make a living, I do possess enough hubris to think this work has value, and I have enough faith in those of you who agree with me to think this journal and gallery can grow into something special.
My vision for the future is one in which GRAPHICPROSE provides a forum for its audience to experience and support the work of multiple artists based in Central Vietnam. Many talented people do great work here, thoughtful work from which we can all benefit. But even within Vietnam, their work does not receive the audience it deserves. I’m looking forward to changing that and hope you will join me.
From under the conical hat,